The purpose of the Forest Frames, crafted by Soichi Yano, is to convey the greatness of natural forests and gorges by using real wood, stones, and moss. Combined with the photographs of the magnificent Mother Nature, they bring viewers the experience of being in the forest. Because the creator uses natural materials to make the Forest Frames, each frame is unique and one of a kind.
The wood frame is made of camphor and cedar grown in Miyazaki Prefecture. The aroma of these woods promote relaxation. The Forest Frame is centered around the lush forest green color, which promotes healing and elevates energy levels. Although many amazing natural forests exist in Japan, the Forest Frame focuses on the mysterious forests and gorges in Takachiho and its vicinity, Miyazaki ;where it is said that the Shinto gods of ancient Japanese myths reside
The Forest Frame brings peacefulness and relaxation not only visually, but also through the sounds of the mystical forest, promoting the healing of the soul and mind relaxation via the internet and smartphones. JVC Kenwood has made this possible by installing microphones in the deep mountains at five locations, including Morotsuka village in Kyushu, Umazi village in Shikoku and Shirakamisanchi in the Tohoku region They provide the sounds of forests such as chirping of wild birds and a whisper of wind in real time to provide a full sensory experience.
The creator crafted the frames to show deep appreciation for the awe-inspiring forests and gorges that house deities, nurture the earth and ocean, and inspire strength and piece of mind so Japanese can live a full and vigorous life.
- 本作品は、人の心を癒すために制作されたものです。
現地(山、川、森)まで行かなくても、この作品によってお客様のふる里や子供の頃遊んだ山、川、森を思い出し、心を癒して下さい。 - この作品の材料はすべて自然の石、樹木、コケ等を使って製作してあります。
樹木やコケは腐食しないよう、特殊(プリザーブド)加工してありますが、直射日光に長時間さらされますと変色のおそれがありますので直射日光の当たらない場所に置いて下さい。 - 内部の石、樹木、コケ等は接着液で固定されていますが、作品を落としたり、倒したり、強い衝撃を与えますと石や樹木が外れたりする可能性がありますので、絶対強い衝撃を与えないよう注意して下さい。
川の流れは、レジン液を使って再現。岩の着色はアクリル絵の具を使用。 - (株)JVCケンウッド様と「森の声を聴こう」でスマートフォン等を使って別紙のとおり、全国5ヶ所の森の声をリアルタイムに聴くことができます。(無料配信中)